2018: Day 3 – Crushing Slalom and Peeking from the Peakl

By June 26, 2018 Uncategorized

After a little hiccough this morning with a broken chairlift, we all made it up to the glacier for a super productive day of slalom. We had a great progression from brushes to tall gates and some of the girls got back into cross-blocking. It was great to see everyone charging and learning. The themes of the camp have been movement in the legs and transitions from outside ski to outside ski.

We pushed the on snow training a little longer due to the slow start to the morning and the girls were all for it. Leslie also came up on the glacier with us today and provided lunch at the top of Whistler gondola before heading up the Peak chair for a fun sightseeing walk back down to the gondola complete with classic sisterhood photoshoots. This is always a great way to appreciate the amazing place we get to spend the week!

The nightly meeting included a talk about the importance of being a good teammate and a healthy inspiration to others.  So far it seems like these girls have that dialed. Dinner was an incredible lasagna that the girls were super stoked on and will provide us with good fuel as we are going to push through with a day of skiing tomorrow as there is some bad weather coming our way. The day off will now be pushed to Thursday. Photos below!